2024 Accelerent Title Sponsor

C Squared Solutions is honored to be a partner of Accelerent, a Business Development Platform that brings middle market business leaders together in a variety of proprietary environments to build new relationships and generate business opportunities. Together with Accelerent, C Squared will provide the support necessary for businesses to produce measurable results through their association with this outstanding organization.

The benefits of Accelerent are far-reaching, including:

  • Hearing from nationally-recognized speakers who have exceptional stories to share along with takeaways that are impactful on a personal and professional level
  • Facilitated peer-to-peer environments that are intentional and geared towards building impactful relationships that lead to new business opportunities
  • Hands-on Partner support, ensuring a strong ROI on their investment in the group
  • A sense of “team” where Partners are inspired and motivated to help each other
  • Events that always deliver, leaving Partners and their guests looking forward to the next one!


Accelerent of Denver facilitates several Breakfast Events every year where business leaders can meet, hear an exceptional speaker, and form new relationships. Partnership in Accelerent is by invitation only.

If you are interested in learning more or attending an upcoming Breakfast Event in 2024 as our guest (January, April, June, September and November), please reach out to us.

NEXT UP: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

C Squared Solutions is proud to be a Title Sponsor of Accelerent, working together with all our fellow Partners to help the Front Range business community thrive. Join us for our next Accelerent Breakfast on September 18th to listen to “Commander Kirk Lippold,” – Commander of the USS Cole when it came under a suicide terrorist attack by al-Qaeda in the port of Aden, Yemen.

Please click here to register.