As part of your leadership team, we bring established expertise, absolute accountability, and unparalleled collaboration.

We actively participate in the journey with our clients, putting your best interests first as we focus on these key areas:

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Company-Wide Results

Our Approach is Not Silo-Constrained

As part of your team, you can count on us to analyze the whole business and break down silos.
We generate comprehensive strategies that benefit the entire company, not just individual
areas—so that a solution in one department doesn’t become a problem in another.





-ERP Implementations


-Cash Flow







-Disciplined Execution

-Contingency Planning


-Stuck to Unstuck


-Keep, Merge, or Sell

-Realistic Exit

Guided Discovery - A Business Analysis

At C Squared, we believe in investing in your future — that’s The C Squared Way. Our unique Guided Discovery business analysis lets you experience our working together without any obligation or commitment. Our clients repeatedly tell us that this unique process triggers deep insights and “aha” moments.

Clarify Your Thinking

The first 2 no-cost steps enable you to share your thoughts about your performance in key areas, while giving us an understanding of your business and the support that will best help you attain your goals.

Accelerate Toward Your Vision

With C Squared as part of your leadership team, you can be assured that you’re addressing the right priorities with consistent, effective actions to achieve your objectives.


The purpose of the C Squared Guided Discovery business analysis is to utilize our CEO, CFO, and COO expertise to draw out the thoughts and vision of a business owner and trigger “aha” moments. In a 2-hour conversation with our C-suite problem solvers, this distinctive process focuses on the business’ key drivers to find unique operational issues that, if altered, will accelerate the business leaders toward their vision.

Learn More About How the Guided Discovery Business Analysis Works

What Happens After the Discovery Meeting

Let’s Talk to see if a Discovery Meeting is the Right Next Step for You

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Guided Discovery From a Client's Perspective